Main solver API
QOCOInt qoco_setup(QOCOSolver *solver, QOCOInt n, QOCOInt m, QOCOInt p, QOCOCscMatrix *P, QOCOFloat *c, QOCOCscMatrix *A, QOCOFloat *b, QOCOCscMatrix *G, QOCOFloat *h, QOCOInt l, QOCOInt nsoc, QOCOInt *q, QOCOSettings *settings)
Allocates all memory needed for QOCO to solve the SOCP.
- Parameters:
solver – Pointer to solver.
n – Number of optimization variables.
m – Number of conic constraints.
p – Number of affine equality constraints.
P – Upper triangular part of quadratic cost Hessian in CSC form.
c – Linear cost vector.
A – Affine equality constraint matrix in CSC form.
b – Affine equality constraint offset vector.
G – Conic constraint matrix in CSC form.
h – Conic constraint offset vector.
l – Dimension of non-negative orthant.
nsoc – Number of second-order cones.
q – Dimension of each second-order cone.
settings – Settings struct.
- Returns:
0 if no error or flag containing error code.
QOCOInt qoco_solve(QOCOSolver *solver)
Solves SOCP.
- Parameters:
solver – Pointer to solver.
- Returns:
Exitflag to check (0 for success, failure otherwise)
QOCOInt qoco_cleanup(QOCOSolver *solver)
Frees all memory allocated by qoco_setup.
- Parameters:
solver – Pointer to solver.
- Returns:
Exitflag to check (0 for success, failure otherwise)
Helper functions
void qoco_set_csc(QOCOCscMatrix *A, QOCOInt m, QOCOInt n, QOCOInt Annz, QOCOFloat *Ax, QOCOInt *Ap, QOCOInt *Ai)
Sets the data for a compressed sparse column matrix.
- Parameters:
A – Pointer to the CSC matrix.
m – Number of rows in the matrix.
n – Number of columns in the matrix.
Annz – Number of nonzero elements in the matrix.
Ax – Array of data for the matrix.
Ap – Array of column pointers for the data.
Ai – Array of row indices for data.
void set_default_settings(QOCOSettings *settings)
Set the default settings struct.
- Parameters:
settings – Pointer to settings struct.
QOCOInt qoco_update_settings(QOCOSolver *solver, const QOCOSettings *new_settings)
Updates settings struct.
- Parameters:
solver – Pointer to solver.
new_settings – New settings struct.
- Returns:
0 if update is successful.
void update_vector_data(QOCOSolver *solver, QOCOFloat *cnew, QOCOFloat *bnew, QOCOFloat *hnew)
Updates data vectors. NULL can be passed in for any vector if that data will not be updated.
- Parameters:
solver – Pointer to solver.
cnew – New c vector.
bnew – New b vector.
hnew – New h vector.
void update_matrix_data(QOCOSolver *solver, QOCOFloat *Pxnew, QOCOFloat *Axnew, QOCOFloat *Gxnew)
Updates data matrices. NULL can be passed in for any matrix data pointers if that matrix will not be updated. It is assumed that the new matrix will have the same sparsity structure as the existing matrix.
- Parameters:
solver – Pointer to solver.
Pxnew – New data for P->x.
Axnew – New data for A->x.
Gxnew – New data for G->x.
QOCO data types
struct QOCOSolver
QOCO Solver struct. Contains all information about the state of the solver.
Public Members
QOCOSettings *settings
Solver settings.
QOCOWorkspace *work
Solver workspace.
QOCOSolution *sol
Solution struct.
QOCOSettings *settings
struct QOCOSettings
QOCO solver settings.
Public Members
QOCOInt max_iters
Maximum number of IPM iterations.
QOCOInt bisect_iters
Number of bisection iterations for linesearch.
QOCOInt ruiz_iters
Number of Ruiz equilibration iterations.
QOCOInt iter_ref_iters
Number of iterative refinement iterations performed.
QOCOFloat kkt_static_reg
Static regularization parameter for KKT system.
QOCOFloat kkt_dynamic_reg
Dynamic regularization parameter for KKT system.
QOCOFloat abstol
Absolute tolerance.
QOCOFloat reltol
Relative tolerance.
QOCOFloat abstol_inacc
Low tolerance stopping criteria.
QOCOFloat reltol_inacc
Low tolerance stopping criteria.
unsigned char verbose
0 for quiet anything else for verbose.
QOCOInt max_iters
struct QOCOWorkspace
QOCO Workspace.
Public Members
QOCOProblemData *data
Contains SOCP problem data.
QOCOTimer solve_timer
Solve timer.
QOCOFloat *x
Iterate of primal variables.
QOCOFloat *s
Iterate of slack variables associated with conic constraint.
QOCOFloat *y
Iterate of dual variables associated with affine equality constraint.
QOCOFloat *z
Iterate of dual variables associated with conic constraint.
QOCOFloat mu
Gap (s’*z / m)
QOCOFloat a
Newton Step-size
QOCOFloat sigma
Centering parameter
QOCOInt Wnnz
Number of nonzeros in upper triangular part of Nesterov-Todd Scaling.
QOCOInt Wnnzfull
Number of nonzeros in full Nesterov-Todd Scaling.
QOCOFloat *W
Upper triangular part of Nesterov-Todd Scaling
QOCOFloat *Wfull
Full Nesterov-Todd Scaling
QOCOFloat *Winv
Upper triangular part of inverse of Nesterov-Todd Scaling
QOCOFloat *Winvfull
Full inverse of Nesterov-Todd Scaling
QOCOFloat *WtW
Nesterov-Todd Scaling squared
QOCOFloat *lambda
Scaled variables.
QOCOFloat *sbar
Temporary array needed in Nesterov-Todd scaling calculations. Length of max(q).
QOCOFloat *zbar
Temporary array needed in Nesterov-Todd scaling calculations. Length of max(q).
QOCOFloat *xbuff
Temporary variable of length n.
QOCOFloat *ybuff
Temporary variable of length p.
QOCOFloat *ubuff1
Temporary variable of length m.
QOCOFloat *ubuff2
Temporary variable of length m.
QOCOFloat *ubuff3
Temporary variable of length m.
QOCOFloat *Ds
Search direction for slack variables. Length of m.
QOCOProblemData *data
struct QOCOKKT
Contains all data needed for constructing and modifying KKT matrix and performing predictor-corrector step.
Public Members
QOCOCscMatrix *K
KKT matrix in CSC form.
QOCOFloat *delta
Diagonal of scaling matrix.
QOCOFloat *Druiz
Diagonal of scaling matrix.
QOCOFloat *Eruiz
Diagonal of scaling matrix.
QOCOFloat *Fruiz
Diagonal of scaling matrix.
QOCOFloat *Dinvruiz
Inverse of Druiz.
QOCOFloat *Einvruiz
Inverse of Eruiz.
QOCOFloat *Finvruiz
Inverse of Fruiz.
QOCOFloat k
Cost scaling factor.
QOCOFloat kinv
Inverse of cost scaling factor.
QOCOInt *p
Permutation vector.
QOCOInt *pinv
Inverse of permutation vector.
QOCOInt *etree
Elimination tree for LDL factorization of K.
QOCOFloat *rhs
RHS of KKT system.
QOCOFloat *xyz
Solution of KKT system.
QOCOFloat *xyzbuff1
Buffer of size n + m + p.
QOCOFloat *xyzbuff2
Buffer of size n + m + p.
QOCOFloat *kktres
Residual of KKT condition.
QOCOInt *nt2kkt
Mapping from elements in the Nesterov-Todd scaling matrix to elements in the KKT matrix.
QOCOInt *ntdiag2kkt
Mapping from elements on the main diagonal of the Nesterov-Todd scaling matrices to elements in the KKT matrix. Used for regularization.
QOCOInt *PregtoKKT
Mapping from elements in regularized P to elements in the KKT matrix.
QOCOInt *Pnzadded_idx
Indices of P->x that were added due to regularization.
QOCOInt Pnum_nzadded
Number of elements of P->x that were added due to regularization.
Mapping from elements in A to elements in the KKT matrix.
Mapping from elements in G to elements in the KKT matrix.
QOCOCscMatrix *K
struct QOCOCscMatrix
Compressed sparse column format matrices.
struct QOCOSolution
Public Members
QOCOFloat *x
Primal solution.
QOCOFloat *s
Slack variable for conic constraints.
QOCOFloat *y
Dual variables for affine equality constraints.
QOCOFloat *z
Dual variables for conic constraints.
QOCOInt iters
Number of iterations.
QOCOFloat setup_time_sec
Setup time.
QOCOFloat solve_time_sec
Solve time.
QOCOFloat obj
Optimal objective value.
QOCOFloat pres
Primal residual.
QOCOFloat dres
Dual residual.
QOCOFloat gap
Duality gap.
QOCOInt status
Solve status.
QOCOFloat *x